【非洲·毛里求斯】罗德里格斯岛的Sega tambour表演 Sega tambour of Rodrigues Island(2017年)

罗德里格斯岛的世嘉手鼓是一种充满活力的音乐、歌曲和舞蹈节奏表演,起源于奴隶社区。最主要的打击乐器是手鼓,它被大力敲击,同时从侧面敲击三叉戟,击鼓bwat和梅奥。世嘉手鼓在罗德里格斯岛各处的家庭和街道上,在正式和非正式的活动中表演。主要承载者是罗德里格斯社区,以及毛里求斯岛和其他地方的散居者,艺术对所有人开放,不分年龄、性别或身份。世嘉手鼓源于反抗和韧性,有助于解决冲突,促进社会化,巩固纽带。政府承认它是罗德里格斯社区历史的象征。Sega Tambour通过自20世纪70年代以来涌现的众多团体的努力得到了保护,现在有了一个专注的非政府组织。比赛和彩排在社区中心组织,该元素也在旅游设施中进行,有助于为表演者创造收入。与此相关的知识和技能通过模仿和观察从老年人传授给年轻人,而乐器制作技能则通过与经验丰富的工匠进行学徒学习。




Sega Tambour of Rodrigues Island is a vibrant rhythmic performance of music, song and dance with its origins in slave communities. The leading percussion, the tambour, is banged energetically, while a triyang is hit from the side and the bwat and mayos are clapped. Sega Tambour is performed all over Rodrigues Island in the home and on the streets, at formal and informal functions. The primary bearers are the Rodrigues community, as well as the diaspora on the island of Mauritius and elsewhere, and the art is open to everyone irrespective of age, gender or status. With its origins in defiance and resilience, Sega Tambour facilitates conflict resolution, fosters socialization and consolidates bonds. The government recognizes it as a symbol of the history of the Rodriguan community. Sega Tambour is safeguarded through the efforts of numerous groups that have sprung up since the 1970s and a dedicated NGO now exists. Competitions and rehearsals are organized in community centres, and the element is also performed in tourism facilities, contributing to the generation of revenue for performers. Knowledge and skills relating to the practice are transmitted from elders to youth through imitation and observation, and instrument-making skills are learned through apprenticeship with experienced craftspeople.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2017.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region