



The festival of the Santísima Trinidad del Señor Jesús del Gran Poder takes place on the Day of the Holy Trinity in the city of La Paz. The celebration transforms and stimulates the social life of La Paz every year, emanating from a particular way of understanding and living Andean Catholicism. The Parade begins with a procession through the western part of the city. This procession is central to the event, involving 40,000 devotees who dance and sing in an offering to the patron saint. The dance has a sacred significance for the sixty-nine fraternities involved, which are greeted in the streets in a euphoric atmosphere where the music of 7,000 musicians resonates. The heavy dances begin with the Morenos, the iconic dance of the festival, mixed with light dances; meanwhile, the Sikuris and Qhantus native dances hark back to the origins of the Ch’ijini festival. The next day, the procession members solemnly carry the patron saint on their shoulders in the Gran Poder district; devotees pay tribute to the image with incense, flowers and confetti. The fraternities prepare their musical repertoires throughout the year; embroiderers and jewellers transmit their knowledge within the families of the Gran Poder, and the devotional aspect of the practice is transmitted through devotional ceremonies, evenings and processions.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2019.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【美洲·玻利维亚】Pujllay and Ayarichi,雅玛拉文化中的歌舞 Pujllay and Ayarichi, music and dances of the Yampara culture(2014年)

下一篇:【美洲·玻利维亚】拉巴兹的阿拉西塔仪式旅行 Ritual journeys in La Paz during Alasita(2017年)