从烛光节(2月2日)到灰烬星期三,库伦蒂的挨家挨户巡游是一种shrovetid习俗。库伦蒂在村庄里练习,现在也在普图吉镇练习。由库伦蒂和一个或多个魔鬼组成的团体从一家跑到另一家,在院子里围成一个圈,围着主人跳。根据他们的信仰,嘈杂的钟声和挥舞木棍将一切邪恶驱走,并为来访者带来幸福。男子、妇女和儿童积极参与与该习俗有关的所有活动。库伦蒂通常会组建团体,有些人会建立协会。其中一个重要成员是库伦蒂协会联合会(Federation of Kurenti Associations),它是一个伞式组织。这种做法有助于加强人际关系,是有关社区区域认同的关键。幼儿园和小学协助保护过程,一些正规教育课程和非正式讲习班有助于维护对这种做法的尊重。相关知识和技能通常在家庭中传播,但青少年也从他们所属团体的老年成员那里学习,学校和博物馆通过组织活动、讲习班和竞赛发挥着重要作用。




Door-to-door rounds of Kurenti is a Shrovetide custom practised from Candlemas (2 February) to Ash Wednesday. Kurenti practise their rounds through villages and nowadays also through the town of Ptuj. Groups consisting of Kurenti and one or more devils run from house to house, form a circle in the yard and jump around the owners. According to their beliefs, the noisy bell-ringing and brandishing of the wooden stick chase everything evil away and bring happiness to those they visit. Men, women and children are actively involved in all activities associated with the custom. Kurenti normally form groups, and some establish associations. One important bearer is the Federation of Kurenti Associations, which acts as the umbrella organization. The practice helps strengthen interpersonal bonds and is key to the regional identity of the communities concerned. Kindergartens and elementary schools assist in the safeguarding process, and some formal education courses and informal workshops help maintain respect for the practice. Related knowledge and skills are most commonly transmitted within the family, but youngsters also learn from elderly members of the groups they are part of and schools and museums play an important role by organizing activities, workshops and contests.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2017.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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