在土耳其的埃迪尔内举行了克尔克普纳尔石油摔跤节。来自不同年龄段、文化和地区的数千人每年都会前往观看佩利文(摔跤运动员)为争夺克尔克普纳尔黄金腰带和佩利文酋长头衔而战。每一个节日都由其赞助人Kırkpınar Aga发起,仪式上有40支davul鼓和zurna shawms乐队。金色腰带以游行的方式穿过城市,然后在Selimiye清真寺进行祈祷。摔跤比赛通常在男子场地进行。司仪向观众介绍佩利文一家,用诗歌朗诵他们的名字、头衔和技能。接下来,在热身练习和问候之前,加油工在毛巾架的帮助下给摔跤手加油。摔跤手每人都穿着kıspet,一条由水牛皮或牛皮制成的厚裤子。摔跤比赛进行时,鼓乐队和披肩乐队演奏传统的摔跤曲目。Kırkpınar石油摔跤对所有文化、地区和年龄的男性开放,不分宗教、语言或种族。佩利文人被认为是社会上的模范人物,具有慷慨、诚实、尊重和遵守传统习俗等特点。所有佩利文人都接受师徒传统的培训。




The Kırkpınar oil wrestling festival takes place in Edirne, Turkey. Thousands of people from different age groups, cultures and regions travel every year to see Pehlivan (wrestlers) fight for the Kırkpınar Golden Belt and the title of Chief Pehlivan. Each festival is launched by its patron, the Kırkpınar Aga, in a ceremony featuring forty bands of davul drums and zurna shawms. The golden belt is carried through the city in a procession, followed by prayers recited in the Selimiye Mosque. The wrestling bouts customarily take place at the Men’s Field. The master of ceremonies introduces the Pehlivans to the audience, reciting in verse their names, titles and skills. Next, the oil man oils the wrestlers assisted by the towel holder, before the warm-up exercises and greetings. The wrestlers each wear kıspet, thick trousers made of water buffalo or cow leather. As the wrestling takes place, the drum and shawm bands play the traditional repertoire of the festival. Kırkpınar oil wrestling is open to men from all cultures, regions and ages without discrimination between religion, language or race. Pehlivans are considered exemplary figures in society with attributes such as generosity, honesty, respectfulness and adherence to traditions and customs. All Pehlivans are trained in the master-apprentice tradition.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2010.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【亚洲·土耳其】梅西尔节 Mesir Macunu festival(2012年)

下一篇:【亚洲·土耳其】烤馕制作和分享的文化:拉瓦什、卡提尔玛、居甫卡、尤甫卡 Flatbread making and sharing culture: Lavash, Katyrma, Jupka, Yufka(2016年)