法多是一种融合了音乐和诗歌的表演体裁,在里斯本的各个社区广泛使用。它代表了葡萄牙多元文化的综合体,包括非洲裔巴西人的歌舞、当地传统的歌舞流派、接二连三的国内移民浪潮带来的该国农村地区的音乐传统,以及19世纪初的国际化都市歌曲模式。法多歌曲通常由男或女独唱歌手演唱,传统上伴奏的是钢丝绳原声吉他和葡萄牙吉他——一种梨形的十二弦琴,葡萄牙独有,该国也有丰富的独奏曲目。在过去的几十年里,这种乐器伴奏扩展到了两种葡萄牙吉他,一种吉他和一种低音吉他。Fado在音乐会巡回赛和小型“Fado House”中专业表演,并由位于里斯本老街区的众多基层协会的业余爱好者表演。年长、受人尊敬的倡导者在传统的表演场所进行非正式的指导,通常是在同一个家庭中的连续几代人中进行。通过移民和世界音乐圈传播法多,强化了其作为葡萄牙身份象征的形象,导致了涉及其他音乐传统的跨文化交流过程。




Fado is a performance genre incorporating music and poetry widely practised by various communities in Lisbon. It represents a Portuguese multicultural synthesis of Afro-Brazilian sung dances, local traditional genres of song and dance, musical traditions from rural areas of the country brought by successive waves of internal immigration, and the cosmopolitan urban song patterns of the early nineteenth century. Fado songs are usually performed by a solo singer, male or female, traditionally accompanied by a wire-strung acoustic guitar and the Portuguese guitarra – a pear-shaped cittern with twelve wire strings, unique to Portugal, which also has an extensive solo repertoire. The past few decades have witnessed this instrumental accompaniment expanded to two Portuguese guitars, a guitar and a bass guitar. Fado is performed professionally on the concert circuit and in small ‘Fado houses’, and by amateurs in numerous grass-root associations located throughout older neighbourhoods of Lisbon. Informal tuition by older, respected exponents takes place in traditional performance spaces and often over successive generations within the same families. The dissemination of Fado through emigration and the world music circuit has reinforced its image as a symbol of Portuguese identity, leading to a process of cross-cultural exchange involving other musical traditions.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2011.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·葡萄牙】猎鹰训练术,一项活态人类遗产 Falconry, a living human heritage(2016年)

下一篇:【欧洲·葡萄牙】驯鹰术,一项人类活态遗产 Falconry, a living human heritage(2021年)