Cante Alentejano(康特-阿伦特雅诺)是由葡萄牙南部的业余合唱团表演的传统两段式演唱体裁,以独特的旋律、歌词和声乐风格为特点,在没有乐器的情况下表演。团体由多达30名歌手组成,分成小组。在较低音域中的旁音开始歌唱,然后是在较高音域中的中音,它将旋律复制到三分之一或十分之一以上,通常会添加装饰物。然后整个合唱团接手,以平行的三分之一唱剩下的几节。中音是贯穿整首歌的引导音。大量的传统诗歌被改编成现有的或新创作的旋律。歌词探索了乡村生活、自然、爱情、母性和宗教等传统主题,以及文化和社会背景的变化。Cante是整个Alentejano社区社会生活的一个基本方面,渗透到公共和私人空间的社交聚会中。传播主要发生在年长和年轻成员之间的合唱团排练中。对于它的从业者和爱好者来说,坎特体现了强烈的认同感和归属感。它还加强了不同世代、不同性别和不同背景的个人之间的对话,从而有助于社会凝聚力。




Cante Alentejano is a genre of traditional two-part singing performed by amateur choral groups in southern Portugal, characterized by distinctive melodies, lyrics and vocal styles, and performed without instrumentation. Groups consist of up to thirty singers divided into groups. The ponto, in the lower range, starts the singing, followed by the alto, in the higher range, which duplicates the melody a third or a tenth above, often adding ornaments. The entire choral group then takes over, singing the remaining stanzas in parallel thirds. The alto is the guiding voice heard above the group throughout the song. A vast repertoire of traditional poetry is set to existing or newly created melodies. Lyrics explore both traditional themes such as rural life, nature, love, motherhood and religion, and changes in the cultural and social context. Cante is a fundamental aspect of social life throughout Alentejano communities, permeating social gatherings in both public and private spaces. Transmission occurs principally at choral group rehearsals between older and younger members. For its practitioners and aficionados, cante embodies a strong sense of identity and belonging. It also reinforces dialogue between different generations, genders and individuals from different backgrounds, thereby contributing to social cohesion.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2014.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·葡萄牙】坎普马约尔社区节庆 Community festivities in Campo Maior(2021年)

下一篇:【欧洲·葡萄牙】猎鹰训练术,一项活态人类遗产 Falconry, a living human heritage(2016年)