Shital Pati是一种传统艺术,它用一根被称为“Murta”的绿色藤条编织成一个手工制作的垫子。这种垫子被孟加拉国各地的人们用作坐垫、床单或祈祷垫。主要的承载者和从业者是织工,他们大多生活在孟加拉国大西尔赫特地区的低洼村庄,但在该国其他地区也有一些什塔尔帕蒂织工。男性和女性都参与收集和加工Murta,女性更多地参与编织过程。这种手工艺是主要的生计来源,也是身份的有力标志;它主要是基于家庭的手艺,有助于加强家庭纽带,创造和谐的社会氛围。掌握这项技术可以赢得社会声望,而这项实践也赋予了包括女性在内的弱势群体权力。政府通过地方和全国性的手工艺品博览会来提高对这一元素的认识,什塔尔帕蒂社区正越来越多地被组织成合作社,以确保手工艺品的有效保护和传播,并保证其盈利能力。保护工作涉及相关社区的直接参与,这种做法主要在工匠家庭中代代相传。




Shital Pati is the traditional art of making a handcrafted mat by weaving together strips of a green cane known as ‘Murta’. The mat is used by people all over Bangladesh as a sitting mat, bedspread or prayer mat. The main bearers and practitioners are weavers living mostly in the low-lying villages in the greater Sylhet region of Bangladesh, but there are also pockets of Shital Pati weavers in other areas of the country. Both men and women participate in collecting and processing Murta, with women being more involved in the weaving process. The craft is a major source of livelihood and a strong marker of identity; primarily a family-based craft, it helps to reinforce family bonding and create a harmonious social atmosphere. Mastery of the technique commands social prestige, and the practice empowers underprivileged communities, including women. The government promotes awareness of the element through local and national craft fairs, and Shital Pati communities are increasingly being organized into cooperatives to ensure the efficient safeguarding and transmission of the craft and guarantee its profitability. Safeguarding efforts involve the direct participation of the communities concerned and the practice is primarily transmitted from generation to generation within the families of craftspeople.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2017.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【亚洲·孟加拉】庆祝Pahela Baishakh(新年)的 Mangal Shobhajatra节习俗Mangal Shobhajatra on Pahela Baishakh(2016年)

下一篇:【亚洲·孟加拉】游吟歌师歌曲 Baul songs(2008年)