亚美尼亚字母艺术及其文化表达构成了几个世纪以来的亚美尼亚字母艺术、亚美尼亚文字、装饰字母的丰富文化及其各种用途。该元素基于梅斯罗普·马什托茨(Mesrop Mashtots)在公元405年创造的亚美尼亚字母表,遵循“一个字母对应一个声音”的原则。该元素的另一个特点是其广泛的装饰文字,通常按其形状分类;结、鸟、动物、人和神话或想象中的生物。自从发明以来,亚美尼亚字母不仅发挥了创造书面遗产的主要功能,还被用作数字、密码、谜语等。如今,这些字母还被用于手工艺品中。亚美尼亚字母艺术已经渗透到社会的几乎所有层面,尤其是民间艺术。这种元素在亚美尼亚领土上广泛存在,是亚美尼亚人民文化认同的组成部分。它的持有者和从业者包括艺术家、地毯编织者、刺绣者、雕塑家、语言学家、书法家、珠宝商和其他人。各级教育机构都参与向后代传授相关知识和技能,一些青年中心非常重视亚美尼亚字母艺术的教学。自2008年以来,每年一度的“格兰山”国际设计大赛一直得到持续支持,亚美尼亚使徒教会是让儿童和青少年了解该元素的核心。




Armenian letter art and its cultural expressions constitutes the centuries-old art of Armenian letters, Armenian scripts, the rich culture of decorating letters and its various uses. The element is based on the Armenian alphabet created in 405 AD by Mesrop Mashtots, following the ‘one-letter-for-one-sound’ principle. The element is also distinguished by its wide range of ornamental scripts, generally classified by their shapes; knots, birds, animals, people, and mythical or imaginary creatures. Since their invention, Armenian letters have not only served their primary function to create written heritage, but also as numbers, cryptographs, riddles etc. Today, the letters are also used in handicrafts. Armenian letter art has penetrated almost all layers of society, particularly folk art. The element is practised across the Armenian territory and is integral to the cultural identity of Armenian people. Its bearers and practitioners include artists, carpet weavers, embroiderers, sculptors, linguists, calligraphists, jewellers and others. Educational institutions at all levels are involved in transmitting the related knowledge and skills to future generations, and several youth centres accord great importance to teaching Armenian letter art. Since 2008, continuous support has been shown for the annual ‘Granshan’ international design competition, and the Armenian Apostolic Church is central to acquainting children and youngsters with the element.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2019.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【亚洲·亚美尼亚】亚美尼亚十字架石的象征与工艺Armenian cross-stones art. Symbolism and craftsmanship of Khachkars(2010年)

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