斯里兰卡Dumbara Rata Kalala或Dumbara mats是传统的手工制作的垫子,用作壁挂、挂毯或垫子。这些垫子是在两个村庄(Kalasirigama和Alokagama)由一个名为kinnara的社区制作的,该社区传统上为皇宫提供装饰性垫子,作为15世纪至19世纪期间皇室和统治精英的义务服务的一部分。如今,工匠们为当地买家和游客编织垫子。Dumbara垫子由hana植物的纤维制成,并用象征性的图案和设计进行装饰。用一块边缘锋利的木头将叶子压在原木上,以刮去肉质部分,从而分离出植物纤维。然后用邓巴拉山谷的天然材料制成的传统草药染料对纤维进行洗涤、晒干、梳理和染色。垫子是用织机制作的,图案和设计是用板条(一种一端有孔的平窄木条)添加的。织工将多股纤维插入孔中,然后将板条穿过织机上的纱线,以产生所需的图案。哑巴垫是斯里兰卡人的一项具有重要文化意义的传统物品,这种做法通过观察和实践从父母传给孩子。




Sri Lankan Dumbara Rata Kalala, or Dumbara mats, are traditional hand-made mats used as wall hangings, tapestries or cushion covers. The mats are made in two villages (Kalasirigama and Alokagama) by a community called kinnara that traditionally supplied ornamental mats to the royal palace as part of obligatory service to the crown and to ruling elites between the fifteenth and nineteenth centuries. Today, artisans weave the mats for local buyers and tourists. Dumbara mats are made with the fibres of the hana plant and decorated with symbolic motifs and designs. The plant fibres are separated by pressing the leaf against a log with a sharp-edged piece of wood to scrape away the fleshy parts. The fibres are then washed, sun-dried, combed and dyed using traditional herbal dyes made with natural materials from the Dumbara valley. The mat is created with a loom, and motifs and designs are added using a lath, a flat, narrow strip of wood with a hole at one end. The weaver inserts strands of fibre into the hole, then pulls the lath through the yarns on the loom to create the desired motif. Dumbara mats are a traditional item of great cultural significance for Sri Lankans, and the practice is transmitted from parents to children through observation and practice.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2021.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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