种植经过头部训练的灌木藤蔓植物(vite ad alberello)的传统做法通过地中海潘特莱里亚岛的几代葡萄种植者和农民传播。大约5000名居民拥有一块土地,他们用可持续的方法耕种。该技术由几个阶段组成。整平土壤,挖一个坑来种植藤蔓,从而整地。然后仔细修剪藤蔓的主茎,形成六个分支,形成一个径向排列的灌木。为了确保植物在合适的小气候下生长,中空部分不断地被重塑。然后在7月底开始的仪式活动中手工采摘葡萄。Pantelleria的葡萄种植者和农民,无论男女,都在恶劣的气候条件下练习vite ad alberello。通过当地方言的口头和实践教学,传承者和从业者的知识和技能。此外,在7月至9月期间组织的仪式和节日允许当地社区分享这种社会实践。Pantelleria的人们继续认同葡萄种植,并努力保持这种做法。




The traditional practice of cultivating head-trained bush vines (vite ad alberello) is transmitted through generations of vine growers and farmers of the Mediterranean island of Pantelleria. About 5,000 inhabitants own a plot of land, which they cultivate using sustainable methods. The technique consists of several phases. The ground is prepared by levelling the soil and digging a hollow to plant the vine. The main stem of the vine is then carefully pruned to produce six branches, forming a bush with a radial arrangement. The hollow is constantly reshaped to ensure the plant is growing in the right microclimate. The wine grapes are then harvested by hand during a ritual event starting at the end of July. The vine-growers and farmers of Pantelleria, male and female, practice vite ad alberello under harsh climatic conditions. The knowledge and skills of bearers and practitioners are handed down in families through oral and practical instruction in the local dialect. In addition, rituals and festivals organized between July and September allow the local community to share this social practice. The people of Pantelleria continue to identify themselves with vine growing and strive to preserve this practice.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2014.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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