塞莱斯蒂尼亚宽恕庆典的灵感来自教皇Celestine V,他发布了一个历史性的“公牛”,作为当地居民之间的合作行为。这一传统发生在拉奎拉市和省,包括自1294年以来不断传播的一系列仪式和庆祝活动。这种做法为整个社区传达了一种连续性和文化认同感。“宽恕之行”在“莫龙之火”的灯光下开始,伴随着烛光游行。游行队伍沿着传统路线行进,在23个相关村庄的每一个村庄点亮三脚架,市长在一张羊皮纸上签名,回顾公牛的象征价值。社区聚会于8月23日在拉奎拉结束,最后一个三脚架点亮。鼓声、号角和旗手活跃了游行的节奏,标志着游行的节奏。1000名市民身着传统服装。参与者与三个主要角色一起行走——“公牛夫人”、“年轻的领主”和“十字架夫人”——象征着庆祝活动的传统价值观:热情好客、团结与和平。该元素的含义和传统做法通过在家里、学校和社区聚会场所讲述的故事来传递,社区不断参与庆祝活动确保了其长期的可行性。




The Celestinian forgiveness celebration was inspired by Pope Celestine V, who issued a historical ‘Bull’ as an act of partnership among local populations. Taking place in the city and province of L’Aquila, the tradition comprises a set of rituals and celebrations transmitted uninterruptedly since 1294. The practice conveys a sense of continuity and cultural identity for the whole community. The ‘Forgiveness Walk’ opens with the lighting of the ‘Fire of Morrone’ and its descent, accompanied by a candlelight procession. The procession proceeds along a traditional itinerary marked by the lighting of tripods in each of the twenty-three villages involved, where the mayor signs a parchment recalling the Bull’s symbolic values. The community gathering ends on 23 August in L’Aquila with the lighting of the last tripod. Drums, clarions and flag bearers enliven and mark the rhythm of the Parade, which involves 1000 citizens dressed in traditional costumes. Participants walk along with the three main characters – the ‘Lady of the Bull’, the ‘Young Lord’ and the ‘Lady of the Cross’ – symbolizing the traditional values of the celebration: hospitality, solidarity and peace. The meanings and traditional practices of the element are transmitted through tales told at home, in schools and in community gathering places, and the community’s constant participation in the celebration has ensured its viability over time.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2019.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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