普埃布拉(Puebla)和特拉斯卡拉(Tlaxcala,墨西哥)的手工塔拉韦拉(talavera de la Reina)和阿尔佐比斯波(El Puente del Arzobispo,西班牙)的陶瓷制作工艺与墨西哥和西班牙的两个社区一致。陶瓷有家用、装饰和建筑用途。尽管随着时间的推移,两国的陶瓷业都发生了变化和发展——包括由于现在使用了电动陶工的轮子——但手工制作工艺,包括制作技术、上釉和装饰,仍保持着与16世纪相同的模式。相关的知识和技能包括制备粘土、使用陶工的轮子或铸件制作陶器、装饰、准备瓷釉和颜料以及管理窑炉,这需要大量的专业知识。有些陶艺师负责整个过程,而另一些陶艺师则专门从事特定的工作。相关知识——包括原材料提取、材料加工、装饰和烧制技术——主要由陶器大师和陶艺家掌握,他们随着时间的推移发展了自己的技能,并通过手工作坊或家庭环境中的口头传播将其传给下一代。每一个车间都有自己的标识,这反映在这些作品的形状、装饰、颜色和珐琅的细节上,而陶瓷的生产仍然是两国的一个关键标识。




The processes of making the artisanal talavera of Puebla and Tlaxcala (Mexico) and ceramics of Talavera de la Reina and El Puente del Arzobispo (Spain) are identified with two communities in both Mexico and Spain. The ceramics have domestic, decorative and architectural uses. Despite changes over time and the developments ceramics have undergone in both countries – including due to the use of electric potter’s wheels nowadays – the artisanal making processes, including making techniques, enameling and decoration, retain the same pattern as in the sixteenth century. Related knowledge and skills include preparing the clay, making the earthenware using a potter’s wheel or cast, decorating, preparing enamels and pigments and managing the kiln, which requires great expertise. Some ceramists carry out the whole process, while others specialize in specific tasks. Related knowledge – including raw material extraction, material processing, decoration and firing techniques – is mostly borne by master earthenware artisans and ceramists, who have developed their skills over time and transmit them to the next generations through oral transmission in their artisanal workshops or in the family setting. Every workshop has its own identity, as reflected in the detail of the shapes, decorations, colours and enamels of the pieces, and the production of ceramics remains a key identity symbol in both countries.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2019.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

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