



Charrería is a traditional practice of livestock herding communities in Mexico. It was initially used to help herders managing livestock from different estates better coexist. Techniques were then passed on to younger generations within families. These days, purpose-built charrería associations and schools assist in continuing transmission of the tradition, also considered a sport, by training members of the community, including up to competition level. Various categories of charrería performed in front of an audience are called charreadas. Charreadas give spectators an opportunity to see livestock herding skills, for example roping and reining using wild mares and bulls. Trained herders demonstrate their abilities on foot or horseback while dressed in traditional costume that features a wide-brimmed hat for a charro (male herder) and a colourful shawl for a charra (female herder). The outfits, as well as equipment required for the practice, like saddles and spurs, are designed and produced by local artisans, forming additional components of the traditional practice. Charrería is considered an important aspect of the identity of bearer communties and their cultural heritage. Practitioners also see the tradition as a way of transferring to younger generations important social values, such as respect and equality for people in the community.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2016.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【美洲·墨西哥】传统的墨西哥美食——地道、世代相传、充满活力的社区文化,米却肯州模式 Traditional Mexican cuisine - ancestral, ongoing community culture, the Michoacán paradigm(2010年)

下一篇:【亚洲·日本】与日本木构建筑的保护和传承有关的传统技艺、技术和知识 Traditional skills, techniques and knowledge for the conservation and transmission of wooden architecture in Japan(2020年)