

The Bedou are semi-settled nomads living in the southern part of Jordan near the ruins of Petra and Vidilam, which belong to semi-arid plateau and desert areas. This environment makes them live a complementary life of settlement and nomadism.

Many Bedou tribes still use Nabatian, a reservoir and cave, in areas close to Petra. Vidilam, southeast of Petra, is located on a wide, arid pasture. Today, many semi-settled Bedou communities inherit the traditions of the region and still maintain a lively, traditional nomadic culture and related knowledge and skills. This is considered common in the Arab world, but the Bedou of Petra and Vidilam are often exposed to settled societies under special climatic and geographical conditions. Their special knowledge covers plants and animals, traditional medicine, camel raising, tent craftsmanship, tracking and crawling techniques, coffee making and hospitality ceremonies in the region. The Bedous created a wide range of knowledge about the living environment, outstanding culture, complex ethics and social norms, all of which were expressed and disseminated orally.

Bedou people are closely related to the natural environment, and the rich myths produced on this basis can be expressed in various oral forms. These forms include poetry, folk tales, region naming, songs and story telling. Some oral expressions belong to the whole Bedou nation. The Bedou culture of Petra and Vidilam is closely related to region and history.

上一篇:【亚洲•阿联酋】坦坦地区的木赛姆牧民大会 The Moussem of Tan-Tan (2008年)

下一篇:【亚洲•阿联酋】阿尔及利亚古拉拉地区的阿赫里 The Ahellil of Gourara (2008年)