


This ancient form of drama was created by Malaysian Malay society, including performances, vocal music, instrumental music, gestures and gorgeous costumes. Especially in the rural areas of Kirandan, northwest Malaysia, where this tradition was formed, Mark Young was mainly held as a form of entertainment in the ceremony, which was related to rehabilitation practice.

Experts are convinced that Mark Young existed before the Islamization of the country and performed as a royal drama under the direct protection of the beneficiaries of the Islamic territory of Gilandan until the 20th century. Since then, this tradition has been preserved in the original rural context, but it has not discarded many elegant factors suitable for the requirements of the court, such as the long-standing costume design.

The typical Mark-Young performance begins with sacrificial activities, followed by dance, performance, music and impromptu monologue and dialogue. A single story can be staged for several nights, three hours each. In the traditional rural context, the performance is set on a temporary stage without walls, which is made of wood and oak leaves. The audience sat on three sides of the stage, and the fourth side was reserved for the band. The band consists of three tapered strings, a pair of double-sided drums and a suspended gong. Almost all roles are played by women. Most of the stories are based on ancient Malay legends, including court characters, gods and clowns. Mark Young is also associated with ritual performances, such as shamans trying to heal patients by singing, body-attached dancing and mental control.

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