加那利群岛La Gomera岛上的口哨语言Silbo Gomero用口哨复制了岛上居民的习惯语言(卡斯蒂利亚西班牙语)。口哨语从大师到学生流传了几个世纪,是世界上唯一由一个大社区(超过22000名居民)充分发展和使用的口哨语。口哨语言用一个口哨音替换每个元音或辅音:两个不同的口哨音替换五个西班牙元音,辅音有四个口哨音。根据音高和口哨是否连续可以区分。通过练习,吹口哨的人可以传达任何信息。有些地方的变异甚至指向了它们的起源。自1999年开始在学校授课,几乎所有岛民都能理解Silbo Gomero,绝大多数岛民,尤其是老年人和年轻人都在练习。它也用于节日和仪式,包括宗教场合。为了防止它像加那利群岛的其他吹口哨的语言一样消失,重要的是要为它的传播做更多的工作,并将西尔博·戈梅罗作为非物质文化遗产推广给拉戈梅拉岛和整个加那利群岛的居民。




The whistled language of La Gomera Island in the Canaries, the Silbo Gomero, replicates the islanders’ habitual language (Castilian Spanish) with whistling. Handed down over centuries from master to pupil, it is the only whistled language in the world that is fully developed and practised by a large community (more than 22,000 inhabitants). The whistled language replaces each vowel or consonant with a whistling sound: two distinct whistles replace the five Spanish vowels, and there are four whistles for consonants. The whistles can be distinguished according to pitch and whether they are interrupted or continuous. With practice, whistlers can convey any message. Some local variations even point to their origin. Taught in schools since 1999, the Silbo Gomero is understood by almost all islanders and practised by the vast majority, particularly the elderly and the young. It is also used during festivities and ceremonies, including religious occasions. To prevent it from disappearing like the other whistled languages of the Canary Islands, it is important to do more for its transmission and promote the Silbo Gomero as intangible cultural heritage cherished by the inhabitants of La Gomera and the Canary Islands as a whole.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2009.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·西班牙】传统文化中心——普索尔教育计划的学校博物馆 Centre for traditional culture – school museum of Pusol pedagogic project(2009年)

下一篇:【欧洲·西班牙】西班牙地中海海岸的灌溉者法庭:穆尔西亚平原贤人委员会和巴伦西亚平原水法庭 Irrigators’ tribunals of the Spanish Mediterranean coast: the Council of Wise Men of the plain of Murcia and the Water Tribunal of the plain of Valencia(2009年)