城堡是由业余团体成员建造的人类塔,通常是加泰罗尼亚城镇一年一度的庆祝活动的一部分。市政厅前面的阳台是传统的背景。人类塔楼是由一个连续的阶段(六到十个阶段)中的城堡工人站在彼此的肩膀上形成的。tronc的每一级都是第二级以上的名字,通常由两到五名体格较重的男子组成,支持较年轻、体重较轻的男孩或女孩。塔楼最上面的三层楼pom de dalt由幼儿组成。欢迎任何人组成pinya,这群人支撑着塔的底部。每一组的服装,尤其是衬衫的颜色,都能被识别出来,而坎姆邦德则起到保护背部的作用,并在城堡爬上塔楼时被城堡者紧紧抓住。在演出之前、期间和之后,音乐家们用一种被称为格拉拉(gralla)的管乐器演奏各种传统旋律,为塔楼的建造设定节奏。传统上,培养卡斯特尔所需的知识在一个群体中代代相传,只能通过实践来学习。




Castells are human towers built by members of amateur groups, usually as part of annual festivities in Catalonian towns and cities. The traditional setting is the square in front of the town hall balcony. The human towers are formed by castellers standing on the shoulders of one another in a succession of stages (between six and ten). Each level of the tronc, the name given to the second level upwards, generally comprises two to five heavier built men supporting younger, lighter-weight boys or girls. The pom de dalt – the three uppermost levels of the tower – comprises young children. Anyone is welcome to form the pinya, the throng that supports the base of the tower. Each group can be identified by its costume, particularly the colour of the shirts, while the cummerbund serves to protect the back and is gripped by castellers as they climb up the tower. Before, during and after the performance, musicians play a variety of traditional melodies on a wind instrument known as a gralla, setting the rhythm to which the tower is built. The knowledge required for raising castells is traditionally passed down from generation to generation within a group, and can only be learned by practice.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2010.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【欧洲·西班牙】埃尔切神秘剧 Mystery play of Elche(2008年)

下一篇:【欧洲·西班牙】弗拉明戈 Flamenco(2010年)