
Maloya is a native form of music, dance and song reunion. From the beginning, Maloya mixed the origins of different races, which were created by Malagasy and African slaves on sugar cane plantations and eventually transformed the entire population of the islands. The initial Maloya was a soloist (or soloist) with a chorus of conversations, percussion accompaniment, and today's Maloya contains a growing variety of forms from text to musical instruments (African tambourine, synthesizers, drums and other instruments). On stage, Maloya is performed by professional and semi-professional artists, blending rock and roll, reggae (pop music from Jamaica), jazz, and contemporary art inspiration. Maloya, though originally part of the ritual of worshipping his ancestors, gradually became a song of lament for slavery over time, and in the last 30 years it has become a cultural symbol of the island. All the cultural, political and social events on the island are accompanied by Maloya, which has thus become a medium and a means of demonstrating political rights. Today, there are as many as 300 documented and active Maloya performing groups, including some of the world's most famous artists, and the teaching of professional music at the public art school in Reunion has contributed to the spread of this tradition. Maloya as a national cultural identity, cultural integration of the paradigm and model, as well as a moral standard, with the social changes, the main heirs and reverence for the music dance ancestors disappeared, its state of existence is still under threat.

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下一篇:【欧洲·法国】奥布松挂毯 Aubusson tapestry(2009年)