
Olonkho refers to the textual form of various Yakut poetic stories.   It is the oldest form of epic art in the Turkish-Mongolian nation and is found in the Republic of Sakha in the northeastern part of the Russian Federation. These narrative poems are the main poetic forms of the Yakutia people and have the function of education. The length of poetry ranges from 10-15 lines to 20,000 lines, with a maximum of 50,000 rows. It describes the beliefs, shamanism, customs and interpretations of the Yakutia people. It also tells the truth about life, about the legends and exploits of ancient warriors, which have deep roots in the legends of Shamanism. Poetry reflects the era of the disintegration of slave society, vividly depicting gods, spirits, demons, and all kinds of beasts and birds.   It also reflects the socio-economic way of life of small and vulnerable peoples struggling to survive under political pressure, harsh climatic conditions and natural environment. Each community has its own narrator, all of whom have a wealth of work that allows Olonkho to form various versions when it is circulating. This tradition has been developed as a vehicle for the family, and it is the best pastime for people to spend the long winter days at home. To speak in a singing way, to refine the description with a quick rhythm-the chanting must be both a good actor, a brilliant singer, an eloquent master, and an impromptu genius.


上一篇:【欧洲·立陶宛】苏塔廷内斯,立陶宛的多调歌曲 Sutartinės, Lithuanian multipart songs(2010年)

下一篇:【欧洲·俄罗斯联邦】塞梅斯基的文化空间与口头文化 The Cultural Space and Oral Culture of the Semeiskie(2008年)