
 The Seto Leelo ethnic group lives in the Pskov region of south-eastern Estonia and the Russian Federation, where the ancient multi-vocal chorus tradition (Leelo) is the basis of contemporary cultural identity. Seto Leelo 's multi-vocal chorus, which includes traditional melodies, as well as the singer's traditional costumes, is characterized by: the lead singer sings a line of verses, then the chorus joins the last part, and repeats the whole poem. Although the lyrics are sometimes learned from previous singers, the technique of creation is still the hallmark of a good lead singer. Most choirs are made up entirely of women, while the best lead singers, as Seto Leelo’s mother of songs ', will be crowned at the Seto Leelo Festival. In rural areas of Seto Leelo, where previous singing existed almost with all the daily activities; today, the scope of this tradition, although increasingly confined to stage performances, remains vibrant in ethnic activities, the centre of Seto Leelo Culture and a vibrant and highly valued cultural constituent element. Seto Leelo’s multi-vocal chorus is loved by tourists, is the pride of the trustees, but also the core of their group and the embodiment of national identity.


上一篇:【欧洲·爱沙尼亚】基努文化空间 The Kihnu Cultural Space(2008)

下一篇:【欧洲·拉脱维亚】 Suiti文化空间 Suiti cultural space(2009年)