
The song and dance celebrations in the Baltic Sea are a treasure trove of local folk traditional performing arts. Estonia and Latvia hold a song and dance festival every five years, and Lithuania every four years is the peak of this traditional performing arts. The whole event lasted several days and involved up to 40,000 cabaret actors, mostly amateur choirs and dance groups. The programme is rich and varied, ranging from the oldest folk songs to contemporary creations, reflecting the remarkable musical traditions of these three countries. Under the guidance of the choir leader, the orchestra conductor and the professional dance teacher, many singers and dancers practice all year round at the local entertainment center or cultural association.   These large events also offer the opportunity to appreciate the wealth of folk art along the Baltic Sea, including handicrafts worn by the masses and colourful national costumes. Estonia had the first choirs and orchestras in 18th century. Later, the chorus became increasingly popular in Western Europe, and the choir was founded and held a singing festival. Influenced by it, this form of music is also extended to villages and cities. Estonia and Latvia held their first Baltic song and Dance Festival in 1869 and 1873, respectively, when the most active choirs of the three countries came to attend. Lithuania held its first event in 1924 years. In early 1920, after independence from Russia, the three countries became more intoxicated with this celebration, as a sign of their cultural identity, and specifically built a performance venue for it. Even after the Baltic States became dependent on the Soviet Union in 1945, the celebrations could continue despite being forced to adapt to communist ideologies.

上一篇:【欧洲·拉脱维亚】波罗的海的歌舞庆典 The Baltic Song and Dance Celebrations(2008年)

下一篇:【欧洲·爱沙尼亚】基努文化空间 The Kihnu Cultural Space(2008)