
Drums Candombe are played every Sunday and every festival in the districts of sur, Palermo and cordon, in the southern province of Montevideo, which are inhabited by African americans. Gundong-bay's event took place around a public fire, as people gathered to tune in to their drums and get ready to start moving. After starting out, the procession of drums was led by the most prestigious people, whose families played drum music that was recognized by society for generations. Other drummers line up behind in an organized fashion, with informal participants, dancers and spectators following the procession or watching from the stands. The beating of the largest and lowest drums is distinguished by the three adjacent areas, so that the organized call and response structure of the gombe movement can both unite the community and represent their respective identities. With the inheritance of African American families, gondolbe became a recognized form of resistance, a Uruguayan celebration of music and a collective social activity deeply intertwined with daily life in these regions. It is also a symbol and expression of the memory of social groups. On special days, the former residents can recall the historical significance of the drum of gondong-bei.

上一篇:【美洲•阿根廷 】探戈 The Tango(2009年)

下一篇:【欧洲·比利时】圣利芬斯 - 豪特姆年度冬季集市及牲畜市场 Houtem Jaarmarkt, annual winter fair and livestock market at Sint-Lievens-Houtem(2010年)