墨西哥的恰帕德科尔索城(Chiapa de Corzo)每年1月4日至23日举行一项传统盛会。盛会奉天主教三圣之名举行:圣安东尼·阿博特、埃斯基普拉斯的我主基督(Nuestro Señor de Esquipulas)以及最重要的圣塞巴斯蒂安,是一个结合了音乐、舞蹈、手工艺、美食、宗教庆祝仪式以及宴会的盛大聚会。帕拉奇克“Parachicos”一词既指舞者,也指舞蹈本身,是社区对这些圣人的供奉。舞蹈从早上开始,到晚上结束,其间舞者背着圣人雕像前往整个城市的礼拜场所。每个舞者都戴着一件带着头饰、木雕面具、绣花披肩、塞雷普、五彩色带,并演奏chinchines(马拉卡斯)。舞者由一位戴着严肃面具的、手拿吉他和鞭子的人领导,他吹着笛子,身边还有一两个鼓手伴随。跳舞过程中,他吟诵赞美,Parachicos予以回应欢呼。舞蹈是表演过程中同时进行传播和学习的,儿童也参加舞蹈并模仿成人的舞者。面具的制作技术代代相传,制作过程包括木材切割、烘干、雕刻及装饰。盛会其间的帕拉奇克Parachicos舞将当地生活的所有领域都汇聚在了一起,促进了各社区、群体和个人之间的相互尊重。
Chiapa DE Corzo, Mexico, holds a traditional festival on January 4th, solstice, 23rd. The event, called the three saints of the bishop of funden: saint Anthony abbott, the Nuestro Senor DE Esquipulas of Esquipulas, and most importantly, saint Sebastian, is a grand gathering of music, dance, craft, food, religious celebration, and banquet. Paracek's term Parachicos, which refers to both the dancers and the dance itself, is one of the sudden community sacrifices from the saints. The dance begins in the morning and ends in the evening, with dancers carrying statues of saints to places of worship throughout the city. Each dancer wore a headdress, carved wooden mask, embroidered shawl, selepe, ribbon, and played chinchines. The dancers were led by a man in a serious mask, with a guitar and whip, playing a flute and accompanied by a drummer or two. During the dance, he sings hymns and Parachicos arrives from the area to cheer. Dance is the process of performing to spread and learn at the same time, children also participate in the dance and imitate the adult dancers. Masks are made using techniques passed down from generation to generation, including wood cutting, drying, carving and decorating. During the event, Parachicos arrives from all parts of local life, suddenly bringing together the ranks of the community, groups and individuals.

上一篇:【欧洲·比利时】班什狂欢节 The Carnival of Binche(2008年)

下一篇:【美洲•墨西哥】托利曼的奥托米-希希美卡斯民族的纪念地和活态传统:伯纳尔巨石,圣地的守护者 Places of memory and living traditions of the Otomí-Chichimecas people of Tolimán: the Peña de Bernal, guardian of a sacred territory (2009年)