瓦尤社区居住在横跨哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉瓜希拉半岛上。管理社区社会与精神行为的立法体系包含了一整套原则、程序和仪式。当地的道德权威人士,即“话事人” (Pütchipü'üi 或 palabreros),采用这一主要建立在赔偿和补偿的原则基础之上的体系,用于解决当地母系氏族中的冲突和争端。当出现问题时,纠纷双方,无论是侵害方还是受害方,都会寻求“话事人”的权威。在分析形势之后,“话事人”会通知政府他打算和平解决冲突的意图。在那些话事人的话语发挥效力、对话得以建立的事件中,话事人采用了外交手段而且行动相当谨慎睿智。补偿是象征性的,宝石项链或牛、绵羊和山羊都可以作为补偿品。即使是最严重的罪行也要进行补偿,提供补偿将做为特殊事件来处理,双方家庭会获邀参加,以达成和解和重建社会和谐。话事人获得这一地位,一方面是凭借他作为舅父的角色――这是瓦尤母系氏族的特点,另一方面也是因为他在伦理道德上无可指摘。
The vayo community lives across Colombia and venezuela's guajara peninsula. The legislative system governing community social and spiritual behavior includes a whole set of principles, procedures and rituals. Putchipu 'UI, or palabreros, the local moral authority, adopts this system, which is mainly based on the principle of compensation and compensation, to solve conflicts and disputes in the local matriarchal clan. When there is a problem, both parties to the dispute, whether the infringer or the injured party, will seek the authority of "the person who speaks the matter". After analysing the situation, the "talking head" informs the government of his intention to resolve the conflict peacefully. In those cases where the speaker's words worked and dialogue was established, the speaker used diplomacy and acted with considerable discretion and sagacity. Compensation is symbolic. A jewelled necklace or a cow, sheep or goat can be used as compensation. Compensation will be provided for even the most serious crimes. Compensation will be provided as a special event and both families will be invited to participate in order to achieve reconciliation and rebuild social harmony. It was partly because of his role as uncle, a characteristic of the wayu matriarchal clan, and partly because he was morally blameless.

上一篇:【美洲•洪都拉斯】加利弗那语言、舞蹈和音乐 Language, Dance and Music of the Garifuna(2008年)

下一篇:【欧洲·阿尔巴尼亚】阿尔巴尼亚民间低声部复调音乐 Albanian Folk Iso-Polyphony(2008年)