在越南首都河内的外围地区,每年都会庆祝 P ú ng 和 S ó c 寺庙的 Gi ó ng 节。每年春天,在水稻收割前,越南人都会尊敬神话中的英雄,神和圣人, Th á nh Gi ó ng ,被誉为保卫国家不受外敌入侵的神,被崇拜为丰收、国家和平和家庭繁荣的守护神。Ph ú ng 庙会于农历四月在他出生的村庄举行,象征性地通过骑着白马进入战斗和精心编排的国旗舞蹈来象征战斗本身,重新展现他的功勋。年轻男子接受广泛训练,扮演旗师、鼓师、锣师、军师和童师的角色,而 28 名 9 至 13 岁的女孩则被选中扮演敌军将领。旗主的舞蹈动作和锣鼓声传达着战斗的发展,从旗上放飞的纸蝴蝶象征性地驱散了入侵者。节日后雨水的到来被视为圣人对丰收的祝福。圣女乔格升天的圣庙 S ó ng 的庆祝活动在农历正月举行,包括为圣像沐浴的仪式和向圣女献花的队伍。


The Gióng festival of Phù Đổng and Sóc temples is celebrated annually in outlying districts of Hanoi, the capital of Viet Nam. Each spring, before the rice harvest, the Việt people honour the mythical hero, god and saint, Thánh Gióng, who is credited with defending the country from foreign enemies, and is worshipped as the patron god of the harvest, national peace and family prosperity. The festival at Phù Đổng temple, which takes place in the fourth lunar month in the village of his birth, symbolically re-enacts his feats through the riding of a white horse into battle and the orchestration of an elaborate flag dance to symbolize the battle itself. Young men receive extensive training to play the roles of Flag Master, Drum Master, Gong Master, Army Master and Children’s Master, while 28 girls aged 9 to 13 are selected to play the enemy generals. The Flag Master’s dancing movements and drum and gong sounds convey the development of the battle, and paper butterflies released from the flag symbolically disperse the invaders. The arrival of rains after the festival is seen as a blessing from the saint for an abundant harvest. The celebrations at Sóc temple, where saint Gióng ascended to heaven, take place in the first lunar month and include the ritual of bathing his statue and a procession of bamboo flowers to the temple as offerings to the saint.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2010.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【非洲· 马里】在库鲁坎-弗噶宣布的《曼得宪章》 The Manden Charter, proclaimed in Kurukan Fuga(2009)

下一篇:【非洲· 中非共和国】阿卡俾格米人复调演唱中非阿卡俾格米人的复调演唱 The Polyphonic Singing of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa(2008)