马林凯人和马里西南部曼丁哥地区的其他人民每七年聚集到一起,在康加巴村庆祝卡玛布隆(Kamablon, 又作“讲堂”)新茅草屋顶的落成。与众不同的康加巴的圆形屋于1653年建成,这里收藏着对团体具有象征意义的物件和家具,实际上是一个村庄议事厅。马里帝国的创立者桑迪亚塔?基塔(Sundiata Keita)的后裔,即基塔部落的成员,以及父姓为迪亚巴特(Diabate)的讲述人,是卡玛布隆历史的守护者,也是仪式活动的组织者。重盖屋顶是用口头传颂的传统唤起对历史的记忆和曼丁哥人的文化,也是加强社会关系的纽带、化解冲突、预言未来七年的时机。在持续五天的活动中,20或21岁的青年在团体的长辈监督指导下,把旧屋顶搬下来,然后放好新屋顶,这些长者在聚会上把有关这个房屋的知识、它的盖成、历史以及象征意义,一一传播开来。来自附近凯拉村的讲述人,对桑迪亚塔表示敬意,他们的叙述就是曼丁哥地区的口述史。

  The Malinkai and other people in the Mandingo area of southwestern Mali gathered together every seven years to celebrate the completion of the new thatched roof of Kamablon (also known as the lecture hall) in the village of Kangaba. The distinctive round house of Kangaba was built in 1653. It houses objects and furniture that symbolize the group. It is actually a village council. The descendant of Sundiata Keita, the founder of the Mali empire, a member of the Kita tribe, and the narrator of the father's name Diabate, are the guardians of Kama Bron's history. It is also the organizer of the ceremonial activities. Re-roofing is a tradition of oral communication that evokes memories of history and the culture of Mandingo, as well as a bond to strengthen social relations, resolve conflicts, and predict the next seven years. During the five-day event, young people aged 20 or 21, under the supervision of the elders of the group, moved the old roof down and placed the new roof. The elders put knowledge about the house and its cover at the party. The history, the symbolism, and the symbolism are spread one by one. The narrator from the nearby village of Keira pays tribute to Sandiata, whose narrative is the oral history of the Mandingo area.

上一篇:【亚洲·越南】铜锣文化空间 Space of gong culture(2008年)

下一篇:【亚洲·越南】雅乐——越南宫廷音乐 Nha Nhac, Vietnamese court music(2008年)