
  In many communities in Anambra, southeastern Nigeria, in celebrations, funeral ceremonies and other special occasions in the dry season, people perform performances of Iyer masks, praying for prolific and good harvests. The mask is about four meters high. Such a large mask costume takes 100 people to prepare for six months. It also needs to be built into a house dedicated to storing the mask before the performance. Iyer, the unique mask, is divided into upper and lower parts, separated by a giant python. The bamboo structure is covered with bright and colorful fabrics, and the fabric is decorated with pictures of people and daily life. The dance performance wearing a towering mask is the culmination of a series of other masked dances. The dancers are protected by six guardswith a mirror that captures and punishes the power of the evildoer. The person who carried the mask was voted out and they were automatically isolated for three months. During the isolation period, they only ate some special diet to gain the power to wear a mask. The importance of mask dance in society includes: spiritually, it marks the joy and solemn moment of the festival; politically, it is an opportunity to once again express loyalty to the leader or king; culturally, it is accompanied by a special The singing and dancing of music (Akunechenyi) is a form of entertainment popular with men and women.




上一篇:【非洲· 肯尼亚】米吉肯达圣林卡亚居住区的传统和习俗 Traditions and practices associated to the Kayas in the sacred forests of the Mijikenda(2009)

下一篇:【美洲•牙买加】摩尔镇的马隆人传统 The Maroon Heritage of Moore Town(2008年)