济州Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut是在农历二月份举行的一个仪式,祈祷平静的大海、丰收和丰收。在Gun rip村的Chilmeoridang举行的仪式代表了大韩民国济州岛各地举行的类似仪式。村里的萨满们为风神(杨东祖母)、龙王永旺和山神举行了一系列仪式。杨东欢迎仪式包括拜神仪式、祈福仪式,以及一场三幕剧来款待祖先的神;两周后的杨东告别仪式包括提供饮料和年糕、欢迎龙王的仪式、用谷子算命,以及村里的高级男子将一艘草船下水。随着女神杨东在第十五天离开,标志着春天的到来,她播下种子,平息混乱。除了萨满,Yeongdeunggut主要由准备食物和献祭的女性潜水员和船主提供支持。无论是季节性仪式还是文化节日,这一仪式都是济州身份的独特体现,表达了村民对赖以生存的海洋的尊重。




The Jeju Chilmeoridang Yeongdeunggut is a ritual held in the second lunar month to pray for calm seas, an abundant harvest and a plentiful sea catch. The rites held at Chilmeoridang in the village of Gun-rip are representative of similar ceremonies held throughout the island of Jeju in the Republic of Korea. Village shamans perform a series of rituals to the goddess of the winds (Grandmother Yeondeung), the Dragon King Yongwang and mountain gods. The Yeondeung Welcome Rite includes a ceremony to call the gods, prayers for a good catch, and a three-act play to entertain the ancestral gods; the Yeondeung Farewell Rite two weeks later includes offerings of drinks and rice cakes, a ceremony to welcome the Dragon King, fortune telling with millet seeds, and the launching of a straw boat into the sea by the village’s senior men. As the goddess Yeondeung departs on the fifteenth day, marking the arrival of spring, she sows seeds and calms the troubled waters. Besides the shamans, the Yeongdeunggut is primarily supported by the female divers and ship owners who prepare food and offer sacrifices. Both a seasonal rite and a cultural festival, this ritual is a distinctive embodiment of Jeju identity and an expression of the villagers’ respect for the sea on which their livelihood depends.

Included in the list of human intangible cultural heritage in 2009.

Source: UNESCO International Training Center for intangible cultural heritage in the Asia Pacific Region

上一篇:【亚洲·韩国】宫廷宗庙祭祀礼乐 Royal ancestral ritual in the Jongmyo shrine and its music(2008年)

下一篇:【亚洲•韩国】羌羌水月来戏 Ganggangsullae(2009年)