
The Arao-Daogao cultural space refers to the large pastures of the Boer in the Niger Delta. The Ara-Daigao culture refers specifically to the celebration of the crossing of the river in Dale Bafil and Dailubu. The shepherd grazes on two complementary ecological pastures throughout the year, namely the desert steppe and the Great Plains that the Niger River hits. The celebration is always held on Saturday, the auspicious day in the popular Polbelief. The date of the ceremony also depends on the condition of the pasture and the fluctuations of the river. These festivals have greatly enhanced the expression of different cultures. People organize competitions to decorate the most beautiful herds, different groups play music and dance, and herders recite idyllic poetry. Poetry is all about the adventures of the pilgrimages that took months through different regions. Young women put on the best clothes, put on jewelry, sang and cheered the shepherd, and the wife also decorated the room with great care to welcome her husband back. Two important events (approximately dating back to the 14th century, when the Pol people settled in the area) were the key to adopting this lifestyle for people who lived a life of seasonal livestock. Herders' rules were enacted into law in the 19th century. The management of pastures, the marking of migratory routes and the concentration of herds in specific locations have led to improved festival activities and the gathering of larger groups, making pastoral festivals an important event. They combine representatives of all ethnic groups with different groups in the delta, such as the Boer cattle, the Mark or Nunu rice growers, the Bambara corn growers and the Pozzo fishermen, as well as those from other regions. . Ara Rao Dai Gao continues to update community conventions to increase social cohesion.

上一篇:【非洲·莫桑比克】朝比木琴音乐 Chopi Timbila(2008)

下一篇:【非洲·马拉维】古勒-沃姆库鲁祭祀和舞蹈仪式 Gule Wamkulu(2008)