
 Project brief introduction



Chinese movable type printing

China's wood movable type printing is one of the oldest printing technologies in the world. Ruian, Zhejiang Province, maintains this technology, which is still used to print spectrum. Men are trained to complete the characterization of Chinese characters, and then printed after the procedures of lettering, picking up and typesetting. This requires a wealth of historical knowledge and ancient Chinese grammar. Women cut paper and bind until the genealogy is printed. Movable-type pages can be used repeatedly after disassembly. In spring, summer, autumn and winter, craftsmen with a set of wooden movable type and printing tools walk in the local community, from one ancestral temple to another. They printed the genealogy manually. There is a special ceremony after the printing of the genealogy. The printers put it in place and lock it in boxes for preservation. Wood movable-type printing was handed down entirely through oral instruction at home. However, the number of craftsmen who master this technology is rapidly decreasing due to the intensive training required, the low income generated, the popularity of modern computer printing technology and the decreasing interest in the production of genealogy. At present, there are only 11 teachers over the age of 50 who have mastered the whole set of techniques. Without protection, this traditional industry skill will soon disappear.


 Approval date,December 2010

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