沙画是瓦努阿图土著人祖祖辈辈传下来的“绝活”,较之世界其它地区的沙画艺高一筹。所谓沙画,就是在露天的沙地(沙滩)、撒满火山灰或泥土的地面上,用一只手指直接勾画出的各种图形。 瓦努阿图沙画,以其北部的一些岛屿居多,尤其是在安布里姆岛、庞特科特岛和马勒库拉岛。例如,在安布里姆岛上,沙画的图案就发现有180种。那里的原始部落艺术家手指绘出的沙画,已成为一道著名的世界旅游景观。






    Sand painting is a unique work handed down from the ancestors of Vanuatu indigenous people, which is superior to sand painting in other parts of the world. The so-called sand painting, is in the open sand (beach), covered with volcanic ash or mud on the ground, with a finger directly sketched out the various graphics. Vanuatusha is mostly painted on some of its northern islands, especially Ambrim, Pontecott and Malekura. On Ambrim Island, for example, 180 patterns of sand paintings have been found. The sand paintings painted by primitive tribal artists there have become a world famous tourist landscape.

    Vanuatusha painting tradition is not only an ancient artistic form of expression, but also a practical way of communication existing between the central and Northern islands. The emergence of this multi-functional "writing" form is based on various backgrounds of religious rites, meditation and communication.

    Sand painting is a well-trained artist who paints directly on the ground, sand, volcanic ash or clay. The artist draws some continuous symmetrical geometric figures with one finger. Exposure to the open air makes it difficult to preserve the painting for a long time.

    About 80 different-language tribes live on islands in central and Northern Vanuatu. Sand paintings emerge as a means of communication between different tribes. They are also tools for recording and disseminating religious rituals and myths. They also provide a great deal of important information about local history, cosmology, tribal systems, scientific phenomena, serial songs, livestock raising techniques, architecture and handicraft, and choreography.

    Most sand paintings have many meanings and functions: they can be "read" as an art work, can tell stories, can be used as a password to understand some secret groups, can be used as proof of owning a piece of land or a curse with some magic, it may be just for the purpose of conveying some kind of information or meditating in the hands of the work. After a long period of development and evolution, sand painting has become a rich and dynamic traditional painting form. Because sand painting is not only a kind of "picture", but also a sophisticated network of songs, stories and knowledge intertwined with each other. Sand artists should not only be proficient in painting, but also have a good understanding of their meanings. In addition, they must be able to tell the audience what it means.

    Sand paintings are also used to record legacy property and convey knowledge of rituals and myths, as well as a large amount of oral information about local history, skills and humanities, such as local cosmology, systematic kinship, scientific phenomena, song singing, technical farming, architectural and technological design, and dance art patterns. Vanuatusha painting is not only a "picture", but also a beautiful network of interconnected songs, stories and knowledge. A Vanuatusha painting expert must not only have rich knowledge of graphic patterns, but also have a profound understanding of the connotation of sand painting. Because he must be able to explain their meaning to the audience. Today, the Vanuatusha tradition survives in different communities on Vanuatu's central island, and the most common designs have been widely used to spread Vanuatu banknotes and stamps. And often as a kind of folk custom decoration to foreign tourists and other commercial purposes.

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