
Project brief introduction

皮影戏是通过灯光照射影身产生影子表演的一门戏曲表演艺术。它是集绘画、雕刻、音乐、歌唱、演奏和表演于一体的综合艺术。   四川皮影有川北土生土长的“土皮影”、有清末陕西渭南传入的“广皮影”(又称“渭南皮影”)和阆中市流行的“阆中皮影戏”。以“阆中皮影戏”为最优。“阆中皮影戏”系阆中民间皮影大师王文坤及祖辈根据“土”、“广”皮影的特点,扬长避短,独创一派的新型皮影。其特点是皮影造型美、身影适宜,结构均衡,雕刻技法娴熟,线条流畅细腻,镂空留实得体;面部椭圆,头帽胡须不固定;服饰多采用川北民间传统流行花纹图案装饰,造型十分精致优美并具有浓郁的地方特色。一人拦门表演多人,边提影边说唱,形态逼真。唱腔除借用川剧五大声腔外,还博采民间流行的山歌、小调以及佛教、道教音乐,深受川北人民群众喜爱。   皮影始于汉,兴于唐、宋,普及于元、明;清初至民国时期是它的极盛时期。阆中皮影流行于以阆中市为中心的南充、广安、巴中、广元等地区的36个县(市)区,面积达53万平方公里。   阆中皮影戏长期扎根于川北民间,它和川北民间风俗习惯、社会风貌、人文传统有着密切的关系,多方面反映川北人民熟悉的历史故事、民间传说、人情、世相、风土、生活和意趣。有极大的欣赏价值(曾先后赴奥地利、香港、成都、重庆等演出)和收藏价值。奥地利总统看了阆中皮影后称赞:“这才是真正的东方艺术!”

Shadow play

Shadow play is a traditional opera performing art, which produces shadow performance by illuminating the shadow with light. It is a comprehensive art of painting, sculpture, music, singing, performance and performance. Sichuan Shadow Pictures include "Tu Shadow" native to northern Sichuan, "Guang Shadow" imported from Weinan, Shaanxi Province in the late Qing Dynasty (also known as "Weinan Shadow") and "Langzhong Shadow Picture" popular in Langzhong City. "Langzhong Shadow Show" is the best. "Langzhong Shadow Play" is a new type of Shadow Play created by Wang Wenkun and his ancestors according to the characteristics of "Tu" and "Guang" Shadow Play. It is characterized by beautiful shadows, appropriate figure, balanced structure, skilled carving techniques, smooth and delicate lines, and proper hollowing; oval face, head hat and beard are not fixed; costumes are mostly decorated with traditional popular patterns in northern Sichuan, which are exquisite and graceful in shape and have strong local characteristics. One person blocked the door to perform more than one person, while singing and talking, lifelike shape. In addition to borrowing the five tunes of Sichuan Opera, the aria also uses popular folk songs, minors, Buddhist and Taoist music, and is deeply loved by the people of northern Sichuan. Shadow play began in the Han Dynasty, flourished in the Tang and Song Dynasties, and was popular in the Yuan and Ming Dynasties; it was at its peak from the early Qing Dynasty to the Republic of China. Langzhong shadow play is popular in 36 counties (cities) of Nanchong, Guang'an, Bazhong and Guangyuan with Langzhong City as the center, covering an area of 530,000 square kilometers. Langzhong shadow play has long been rooted in the folk of northern Sichuan. It has a close relationship with the folk customs, social features and humanistic traditions of northern Sichuan. It reflects the familiar historical stories, folk legends, human feelings, the world, customs, life and interest of the people in northern Sichuan in many ways. It has great appreciation value (has been to Austria, Hong Kong, Chengdu, Chongqing and other performances) and collection value. After seeing the shadow play in Langzhong, the Austrian President praised it: "This is the real Oriental art!"

Approval date,December 2013

上一篇:【传统舞蹈】反排木鼓舞(贵州台江县)省级 传承人:万政文
